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Launch of Defence Innovation, Science & Technology Strategy

17 September 2024

Today, the Department of Defence released the Innovation, Science and Technology (IS&T) strategy, aimed at leveraging Australia’s scientific capability in the defence of our nation.

Accelerating Asymmetric Advantage – Delivering More, Together is Defence’s 10-year vision for the Defence IS&T ecosystem.

The 2024 National Defence Strategy identified that investing in innovation, science and technology is fundamental to properly equipping and preparing a modern fighting force in a technology-dominated world.

The new IS&T strategy will foster emerging technology and enable the development of disruptive military capabilities to deliver asymmetric advantage for the Australian Defence Force (ADF).

It will harness the Defence IS&T ecosystem through significant investments in the Advanced Strategic Capabilities Accelerator (ASCA) and AUKUS Pillar II Advanced Capabilities.

A new nationwide Defence Research Centre model will facilitate cutting-edge research and development and link industry with researchers, Defence scientists and end users.

The IS&T strategy will be refreshed every two years to align with the National Defence Strategy and the Integrated Investment Program update cycle.

Chief Defence Scientist Professor Tanya Monro said IS&T was fundamental to delivering credible and potent capability to the ADF.

“This vision integrates and aligns the Defence IS&T ecosystem to meet the Government’s strategic IS&T priorities, Defence’s long-term objectives and the ADF’s immediate operational needs,” Prof Monro said.

“It aligns the IS&T ecosystem to rapidly pull through emerging and disruptive technologies in response to changes in our environment and strengthens the channels that deliver information from Defence and our war fighters.”

“The strategy balances the accelerated delivery of asymmetric innovations with longer-term foundational scientific research in areas with the highest potential to deliver enhanced capability and advantage,” Prof Monro said.

“It is the next chapter in Defence IS&T’s history of striving to solve Defence’s greatest challenges.”

More information about the new Defence IS&T Strategy is available here: Accelerating Asymmetric Advantage – Delivering More, Together | Defence

Source: Defence PR

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